Taj Mahal


SAMSUNG CSCMine to TYSKE!!! venner Judith og Malin pluss den søte og alltid blide Italieneren Francesca.


SAMSUNG CSCSAMSUNG CSCSAMSUNG CSCSAMSUNG CSCSAMSUNG CSCSAMSUNG CSCI helgen som var, altså den 17-18 August reiste alle på studenthjemmet til Agra for å se Taj Mahal, Red Fort og et annet fort litt utenfor Agra som vi besøkte på turen hjem.

Reisen til Agra startet klokken 7.00AM lørdag morgen og etter seks timer i buss var vi ankommet hotellet som skulle være kjempe fint… En time senere var vi på farten igjen for å besøke Red Fort i pissende regn sammen med en teit guide. Når vi var ferdig der reiste vi tilbake på hotellet og vi fikk endelig slappe av og lade batteriene for utflukten til Taj Mahal som startet klokken 6.00AM søndag morgen, grunnet at dette var den fineste tiden å se Taj på.

Taj Mahal er som dere selv ser ett utrolig fint bygg som alle burde besøke om dem noen gang har muligheten.

ENGLISH: During the weekend that past, the 17-18 of August all of the students from the studenthouse travelled to Agra to see Taj Mahal, Red Fort and another fort outside of Agra that we visited on out way home.

The trip to Agra started at 7.00AM Saturday morning, and after six hours in a bus we arrived at the hotel that was supposed to be very nice… An hour later we were on the go again to visit Red Fort in rain together with a lame guide. When we were finished there we traveled back to the hotel to rest for the trip to Taj Mahal that started at 6.00AM Sunday morning, because that was the best time to see Taj.

Taj Mahal is as you can see yourself an incredible building that everyone should visit if they ever get the chance.

Taj Mahal

Dopahar ke bad namaskar! Good afternoon!

Have you ever heard of the list named the seven wonders? The list containing fabulous monuments such as the Great Wall Of China, Colosseum, Machu Picchu and the breathtaking Taj Mahal located north in India, or more specific in Agra. The name Taj Mahal means “crown of palaces” and I must admit that this piece of artwork carries it impressively well.

india.You may have heard the story behind the rise of this gorgeous monument made of white marble. Taj Mahal was made to honor the third wife of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. The name of his third wife was Arjumand Bano Begum, but she is better remembered as Mumtaz Mahal who died when giving birth to their 14th child.

The construction of the build started around year 1632 and finished around year 1653, meaning that it took around 20 years to build the artwork made of marble that rices 171 meters above the ground on its tallest. To build something you need a workforce, the amount of workers needed to finish Taj Mahal, who looks the exact same from all angels, was 20 000 workers including 1000 elephants!

india.3As a reward for dedicating so much effort and time into one building, India today has the opportunity to show off one of the most impressive artworks in the whole wide world.  Taj Mahal is a famous landmark that today draws millions of visitors every year coming from the whole world to see it themselves.

-Have you ever seen Taj Mahal in real life?